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Slot Mod In Your Upgrade Champions Online

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Also there's a free Freeform character slot in the in-game shop until the 17th for the zero people who still play this. There hasn't been a post in five months, that tells you how active things are, but maybe someone still has this thread in their bookmarks or something and was waiting for an excuse to replay a dead MMO. Hey all feel kinda dumb for asking but will anyways - doing the training quest for mods and fusion and just fused the mod. Now the next step on mission is 'slot mod in upgrade' and its got me kinda confused. Im sure im just overlooking something simple but can anyone help me out? Hindenburgs legendary mod is an upgrade over Rudder shift mod 3, but concealment mod is still considered the best for top competitive. In ranked or randoms however I think the Legendary upgrade is much better as it lets you pick propulsion mod 2 instead of rudder mod 2 in the 4th slot.

Another major addition coming to Champions Online, in our next update, is our new Modification and Fusion System.

With this system you will be able to upgrade your gear to improve stats, create stat combos that suit your build or concept and tune your hero in a whole new way.

In some ways Modification and Fusion replaces crafting in Champs but let's be honest.. The old crafting system was everything but accessible, understandable, useful or fun. So we cut it!

The Modification and Fusion systems are vast improvement to customizing and creating your gear. You can jump right in and start using the system to improve your gear and your hero. You can use the system as much or as little as you like and still get the benefit of even small upgrades to your gear. For those that prefer the ability to fine tune and min/max every aspect of their hero, there is a lot of fun to be had with this system.

Modification and Fusion opens up to all Heroes at level 15.

Let's start by taking a look at the various components, what the system does, how it works and what it can do for you. We'll follow up with more about the supporting aspects of the feature and wrap everything up by talking a little about what's happening to the existing crafting when this new system goes live.


There are two things that the system uses. They are Gear and Mods.


This is the stuff you put on and has stat bonuses that improve your Heroes stats when equipped. As you know, we updated every piece of gear that drops in the game. The gear you have will not be touched and you can continue to use it but only the new gear will be available as drops and rewards. Along with improved stats, better stat combination and quality there is gear that you can modify or upgrade with MODS. This is the 'gear' we will be talking about here.

Modifiable gear has a special icon element so you can spot it a mile away or in the case of super vision, many more miles away. This gear has upgrade or MOD slots that you can place your MODS into. The number of MOD slots on a piece of gear is determined by the Level and Quality of the piece of gear. Obviously the more mod slots on a piece of gear the better it can be for you. Additionally there are different types of MOD slots on the gear that can only be slotted with corresponding MOD types.

Upgrading your gear with the next level MOD is simple and quick. All you need to do is drop the new MOD on top of the old one or remove the existing MOD if you want to keep it and slot the new one. If you decide to drop the new MOD on top of the old it will destroy the old MOD. Removing the old MOD will incur a cost but allow you to use it again in another piece of gear or you can fuse it together with other like MODs.

Mods (Types and Mod Slots)

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Each piece of gear can have up to 3 MOD slots. Lower level gear has fewer slots than high level gear. These slots can be Armoring, Enhancement and Core. Armoring and Enhancement MODS provide basic stats like Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and so on… Core MODS are special in that they provide benefits based on the type of gear they are slotted into –Offense Defense and Utility. For example the Gamblers Lucky Gem (A Core MOD) provides Critical Chance when slotted into an Offense Item, Dodge Rating when slotted into a Defense Item and Energy Cost Discount when slotted into a Utility Item.

All MODS have a rank. The higher that rank, the more powerful the MOD and the higher the stat improvement they offer. MODS also have no level restrictions. This means you can slot the best MOD in the game into any piece of modifiable gear at any level. However, you won't be able to use any modifiable gear until level 15.


The two things this system uses are Mods and Catalysts.


Slot mod in your upgrade champions online games

Now, we already talked about MODS and what kinds you will be using. For fusion we will talk more about how you improve them to give you better stats. Each MOD can be improved or ranked up by fusing 5 like MODS together. MODS can be ranked up to a maximum of rank 9. Each time a MOD is ranked up it will be more effective. Using the MOD from the previous example, if you have five Rank 1 Gamblers Lucky Gems, you can fuse them to create a Rank 2 Gamblers Lucky Gem. The bonuses this new MOD imparts will be better than the previous one.


Fusion of MODS has a success chance based on a variety of factors. Those factors are base chance, MOD Level, Skill Level and Catalysts. Catalysts are pretty straight forward. You add a catalyst to your fusion to improve the chance of success. Catalysts come in varying amounts and varieties. Most will simply increase the success of fusion while some will allow you to rank up a MOD and bypass some Fusion requirements. You may be able to rank up your MOD with only one instead of the required five MODS or even rank all the way to max rank, skipping the intermediate steps, if you like.

OK… so we talked about the pieces that are used in Modification and Fusion. Let's switch focus a bit and take a look at the supporting elements of this new system. These supporting elements are salvaged from the old crafting system.


Skills are pretty important and offer a significant increase to your chance to succeed when Fusing MODS. Skill also determines what sorts of MODS you will find via investigation. When picking a skill be sure to look at what each skill offers so you can start getting the MODS you want right away.

Slot mod in your upgrade champions online play

Now, we already talked about MODS and what kinds you will be using. For fusion we will talk more about how you improve them to give you better stats. Each MOD can be improved or ranked up by fusing 5 like MODS together. MODS can be ranked up to a maximum of rank 9. Each time a MOD is ranked up it will be more effective. Using the MOD from the previous example, if you have five Rank 1 Gamblers Lucky Gems, you can fuse them to create a Rank 2 Gamblers Lucky Gem. The bonuses this new MOD imparts will be better than the previous one.


Fusion of MODS has a success chance based on a variety of factors. Those factors are base chance, MOD Level, Skill Level and Catalysts. Catalysts are pretty straight forward. You add a catalyst to your fusion to improve the chance of success. Catalysts come in varying amounts and varieties. Most will simply increase the success of fusion while some will allow you to rank up a MOD and bypass some Fusion requirements. You may be able to rank up your MOD with only one instead of the required five MODS or even rank all the way to max rank, skipping the intermediate steps, if you like.

OK… so we talked about the pieces that are used in Modification and Fusion. Let's switch focus a bit and take a look at the supporting elements of this new system. These supporting elements are salvaged from the old crafting system.


Skills are pretty important and offer a significant increase to your chance to succeed when Fusing MODS. Skill also determines what sorts of MODS you will find via investigation. When picking a skill be sure to look at what each skill offers so you can start getting the MODS you want right away.

There are three different Modification Skills you can choose from. These are Arms, Mysticism and Science. Remember, Skills affect what sorts of MODS you can get. Here are the MODS you collect for each skill type and the stats they affect.


Investigation is how you get MODS, some Catalysts and increase your Skill. When you pick a skill you will begin to see objects that you can investigate. These objects are your Skill objects and are themed to your skill. You will also see these object locations on your map when you get close to them. When you interact or investigate these objects you can find MODS, Catalysts and earn skill points.

Investigation is tiered so you cannot investigate skill objects above your tier and there are limits to your Heroes maximum Skill level. For instance, before level 25 you cannot gain more than 100 skill but your trainer can increase you skill cap once you meet the criteria. It's best to see your skill trainer in Renaissance Center for more information about Skills and Skill Caps.

On occasion you might get a buff that improves your chances at discovering MODS when investigating. The BURST ALERT's are the best place to get this buff and I highly recommend the Vibora Bay Burst!

What Happens to the Current Crafting System?

Slot Mod In Your Upgrade Champions Online Play

There are several questions about components, travel powers and more that I know you need answers to. I want to let you know that we didn't forget about our crafters. We know there are a good number of you that have been crafting or have a ton of crafting materials and you are wondering what you should do with them. In short, keep them. We will have a solution that will allow you to convert your crafting components into MODS.

Everyone that has a crafted travel power device, at any rank, will get a power version for free. The device version will become a legacy item and will not be available to craft after this update. We have also made new versions of them that are available in-game for purchase on the Questionite store. These new versions of the travel powers feature updated FX and ranks.

Not everything that could be crafted will be available with this update. The Crafted bags have been moved to a bag vendor in REN CEN and are available for resources. The health and other potions will be available on vendors throughout the game and be available for recognition tokens. The Action figures will need to find a new home and become legacy Action Figures until their triumphant, albeit tiny, return.

Champions Online Slot Mod In Your Upgrade

Modification and Fusion is a big improvement to the creation of customized gear in Champs. It is hands down, no doubt, 1000% better than the old crafting system. We are very excited to bring these features to you. If you would like to try it out, please log on to PTS and have at it. We would love to get your feedback.

Thanks a ton,

Rob Overmeyer
Executive Producer
Champions Online

Slot Mod In Your Upgrade Champions Online Games

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